Kazi kwa Pamoja - Towards a strong local community in Usa River, Tanzania


01.01.2017 - 31.12.2019

Beviliget beløb:

398.751,- DKK




Usa River Community Organisation (URICO)




Projekt B (0,2-0,5 mio)

Indsatser foregår i:


Overordnede mål

Citizens in Usa River have a sustainable way of living, where they have a source of income and can ensure their families a healthy lifestyle.

Umiddelbare mål

1. Citizens within our target group in Usa River have the opportunity to learn about entrepreneurship and can use their skills for business. 2. Citizens within our target group in Usa River are informed about their health and have the opportunity to get a healthier lifestyle 3. Citizens within our target group in Usa River have a place to network and seek information


The primary target group consists of the extremely poor and exposed families in Usa River. They either have social/economic difficulties or are in the risk of getting them. URICO has made a clear definition of this group, which is “those people who are very poor who cannot afford even one meal per day”. Now URICO has contact to 35 people in this group. The primary target group is not necessary unmotivated to join URICO but their struggle is to get a meal per day and therefore have a natural short turn focus. The secondary target group is a broader group of the citizens in Usa River, still with focus on families but in a broader sense. Men, women, single parents, from all religions and people with mixed social and economic background, however with a low income. This group can have a small business and can have the opportunity to get food and money for today and tomorrow, but have no security for the future. This means that they are exposed and vulnerable for unexpected problems. However, this group has some resources and the will to better themselves, even if they may not now know how to apply their resources.


Projektet "Kazi kwa Pamoja", med undertitlen "-Towards a strong local community in Usa River, Tanzania" har til formål at højne levestandarden og skabe mere bæredygtige økonomiske vilkår for borgere i Usa River, ved hjælp af følgende tre tiltag med fokus på: 1) Sundhed, familieplanlægning og seksualitet. 2) Mindre entrepreneurielle tiltag og små forretninger. 3) At skabe muligheder for at søge og bruge information og netværk i lokalområdet og globalt. Disse tre fokusområder udgør fundamentet for at skabe bedre livsvilkår for borgerne i lokalområdet. Et essentielt element i projektet er at understøtte netværk på tværs af samfundslagene i lokalområdet, så viden, støtte og forretningsideer kan florere mellem medlemmerne i foreningen. Intentionen er at skabe et åbent rum for borgerne i Usa River på tværs af religiøse, politiske og økonomiske skel. Her kan de mest ressourcestærke medlemmer være rollemodeller og bidrage til at løfte de mindst ressourcestærke medlemmer op til en sundere og mere bæredygtig livsførelse.