Advocate to Educate for Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights


01.04.2016 - 31.07.2017

Beviliget beløb:

1.076.505,- DKK




Advocacy Movement Network (AMNet)




Projekt D (1 - 3 mio)

Indsatser foregår i:

Sierra Leone

Overordnede mål

All young people in Sierra Leone are aware of and exercise their sexual and reproductive health and rights.

Umiddelbare mål

1. By 30.12.2016 relevant Ngo's and line ministries express their interest in using Generation Dialogue in their community work on sexual and reproductive health and rights. 2. By 30.12.2016 a coordinated fact-based effort of civil society and government stakeholders is pushing for the integration of SRHR into the curriculum and syllabi of primary and junior secondary schools.


Primary target group: 16 GD facilitators (equal gender representation) 192 community members from the four Communities participating directly in the community workshops. 60 local government and NGO stakeholders 15 district authorities in Kambia 18 members of the Children's Forum Network in Freetown 8 teachers in Freetown 22 educational authorities Government officials within the ministries Secondary target group: 400 community member participating in public meetings in the communities (including traditional and religious leaders) 80 students at two test schools - syllabi analysis 1500 students at two test schools - SRHR sensitization


Seksuel og reproduktiv sundhed og rettigheder er et stort problem i Sierra Leone, hvor 18 % af kvinderne oplever at blive voldtaget eller seksuelt krænket. Ca. 30 % af de seksuelle overgreb foregår i skolesystemet. Axis vil i samarbejde med partneren Advocacy Movement Network (AMNet) derfor arbejde med unge menneskers SRSR både i landsbyer, ved hjælp af AMNets dialogbaserede metode Generation Dialogue til at sætte emnet på dagsordenen, og som fortaleremne for en koalition af civilsamfundsorganisationer. Koalition skal lægge pres på myndighederne for at få seksualundervisning på skoleskemaet. Som en del af denne fælles fortalervirksomhed skal det allerede udviklede seksualundervisningspensum testes på skoler i samarbejde med den nationale organisation for børn og unge, Children Forum Network.