Survival to Revival: Strengthening civil society capacity through agricultural entrepreneurship and good health practices in Majhi Feda


01.04.2015 - 31.03.2018

Beviliget beløb:

499.743,- DKK


NepaliMed Denmark


Dhulikhel Hospital




Projekt B (0,2-0,5 mio)

Indsatser foregår i:


Overordnede mål

NepaliMed Denmark, Dhulikhel Hospital and local stakeholders of Majhi Feda VDC have brought themselves together to enhance the capacity of civil society in Majhi Feda via sustainable agricultural entrepreneurship for increased income and health practices.

Umiddelbare mål

• Twenty groups of women, ten in each group, have organised themselves to collectively use the modern agricultural technology for their sustainable economic growth; • Two hundred households have followed good health practices for their reproductive health, diet and nutrition, and breastfeeding practices; and • Eighteen senior citizens representatives and 20 women representatives have organised themselves to advocate for the health rights and socio-economic rights of the entire VDC population.


The primary target group is 250 selected households, 1,100 people in an average, out of 686 of the Majhi Feda VDC including the marginalized and backward communities, mostly Tamang ethnic people and Dalits. Similarly, the group also includes 18 senior citizens, two from each ward corresponding to the nine wards of the VDC. In an average, the primary target group consists of a total of 1,118 people of the Majhi Feda VDC. In the long run, the entire population of the VDC will be sharing tangible and intangible benefits from the project activities. So the remaining 436 households, 1,918 people in an average, will be the secondary target population.


Projektet “Survival to Revival” udføres i et partnerskab mellem Dhulikhel Hospital (DH) og NepaliMed Denmark (NMD). Projektets mål er, at styrke civilsamfundet i Majhi Feda Kommune mht. bæredygtige organiseringer, lokal udvikling og forbedring af livsvilkår. Projektet er designet i tæt samarbejde mellem DH, NMD og lokalsamfundet, som er drivkraften. Social og kønsmæssig inklusion er centrale komponenter i arbejdet med forbedring af livsvilkår, hvor fokus er på landbrug og sundhed. Lokalsamfundet skaber robuste organisatoriske rammer, der styrker fortalervirksomhed. En forundersøgelse sikrer, at projektet rammer faktiske behov; oplevet og anerkendt af lokalsamfundet. NMD bidrager med projekterfaring, samt erfaring med civilsamfundsmobilisering og fortalervirksomhed. DH bidrager med en stærk lokal forankring, implementeringskraft samt levering af strategiske ydelser og styrkelse af organisatorisk kapacitet i lokalsamfundet.