Urban Camps Urban Relief


03.06.2022 - 31.03.2023

Beviliget beløb:

1.999.312,- DKK

Samlet budget:

1.997.875,- DKK




Center for Street Culture


DERF - Nødhjælpspuljen


22-004-RO Armed Conflict in Ukraine

World goals:

Mål 2: Stop sult

Mål 3: Sundhed og trivsel

Mål 16: Fred, retfærdighed og stærke institutioner

Indsatser foregår i:



This short-term humanitarian intervention includes distribution of food, medicine & basic supplies to the inhabitants of Kharkiv on a day-to-day subsistence level & to provide shelter to IDPs. The Urban Camps for IDPs are being set up (at time of application, Lviv, Vinnitsiya and Poltava - see https://uc.in.ua/eng/) to provide basic subsistence and shelter as people flee their homes in eastern Ukraine, but they also contribute to 2 immediate outcomes: 1) built as ‘mini-communities’, they are also a place where people can feel a sense of togetherness if only briefly – charge a laptop, figure out if you still have a job, let your child play with other kids while volunteers care for them, discuss with other IDP’s current situations, risks, PFA or MHPSS (Psychological First Aid and Mental Health and Psychosocial Support) and 2) the specific location of the Camps is to have a pathway for people to stay, should they choose to continue their journeys west; like the UN Blue Dot concept.