Uganda NCD Alliance Capacity Development Phase 3


01.07.2016 - 28.02.2019

Beviliget beløb:

1.852.270,- DKK


Kræftens Bekæmpelse


Uganda Non-Communicable Diseases Alliance




Projekt D (1 - 3 mio)

Indsatser foregår i:


Overordnede mål

A healthy population free of preventable NCDs.

Umiddelbare mål

Objective 1: By 2017 UNCDA has built a strong and sustainable organisation supported by a number of donors and with active volunteers and association members who contribute financially through donation and paying subscription Objective 2: By 2017 awareness campaigns implemented by the 11 branches have contributed to increase awareness in the communities about prevention of NCDs through healthy lifestyle and symptoms of the 4 main NCDs Objective 3: By 2017 UNCDA has successfully lobbied the government so it in a structured way put patient support, into national services and has developed a Whole of Government Action Plan emphasising primary education and urban planning


The primary target groups are: The NCD Alliance with its whole structure: NCDA board, member association boards, recruitment committees, patient support trainers, lobby committee, fundraising committee and staff about 90 people 11 branches 200 to 250 people MoH, NCD Parliamentary Forum and relevant government institutions, ministries and NGOs About 200 people 2.500 participate directly in the outreach for awareness activities in districts and about 2 million people receive the message through mass media. Secondary target group: MoH NCD Parliamentary Forum Health staff and management in the 11 districts How does the project benefit poor sector of society NCDs are diseases affecting poor people disproportionally By working for the patient’s rights, for treatment and control, for prevention and by supporting those who are affected by the diseases, this project is especially benefitting the poor people. The project contributes to eradication of poverty by focussing on primary and secondary prevention of the diseases (health literacy).


Ikke smitsomme sygdomme (NCDs) vokser dramatisk i Uganda. Regeringen giver det ringe opmærksomhed. NCDs kan forebygges, men viden om NCDs er ekstremt lav. Behandling er mangelfuld eller ikke eksisterende og patienterne lider under stigmatisering og udelukkelse fra deres fællesskaber. Dette projekt skal videreudvikle og konsolidere kapaciteten i en stærk, legitim og troværdig CSO (Uganda NCD Alliance) basered på erfaringer fra fase 1 og 2. UNCDA repræsenterer patienter, pårørende og befolkningen i kampen mod NCDs og kæmper for retten til sundhed og sundhedsydelser i relation til NCDs. En horisontal organisationsstruktur skal sammen med indsamling og brug af evidens sikre politisk gennemslagskraft. Optimering af ressourceanvendelsen og fælles aktiviteter om delte risikofaktorer og patientbehov skal skabe synergi. Målet er at videreudvikle og konsolidere alliancen, dens strategiske ydelser og politiske lobbyvirksomhed for at skabe politiske resultater. En organisatorisk, en oplysnings- og en politisk tilgang skal sikre resultaterne.