Building a People’s Movement for Peace, Development, Accountability and Democratisation of Lesotho


01.07.2017 - 30.04.2022

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3.048.997,- DKK


Denmark Lesotho Network (DLN)


Development for Peace Education (DPE)





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Overordnede mål

Informed and active citizens lobby jointly for accountable, transparent and responsive governance in Lesotho

Umiddelbare mål

By June 2018 Community Libraries are established and functioning in 8 councils By June 2020 CBO’s and community members in 8 areas have developed and implemented advocacy campaigns By June 2018 there has been an increase in the number of community, district and national peace building and policy processes, which are informed by community voices and priorities


The primary target group is the population in the 8 councils where DPE currently works : Poli-Hali, Kanana, Hloahloeng, Kuebunyane, Khoelenya, Seforong Through collaboration with other NGO’s and stakeholders, DPE will strive for covering the whole country. Past interventions on reforms, Community Parliament, Peoples’ Tribunals and Community Voting has gone beyond DPE’s target areas and covered other parts of the country through civil society collaboration and media coverage. Large parts of the population in the 8 rural areas are poor and marginalised, and specific attention is given to inclusion of vulnerable sectors such as women, children, orphans, people with disabilities and people living with HIV/AIDS. The target group consists of unorganised persons as well as CBOs, which DPE has now empowered to formulate and register their constitutions and continues to empower through training and engagement with the local community animators. In spite of the continuous capacity building and facilitation of public participation, the target group is still not adequately skilled and have the financial and other resources to engage effectively in national level governance without DPE’s intervention.


Projektet vil bidrage til at skabe et inkluderende demokrati i Lesotho, hvor borgernes stemmer bliver hørt når der udvikles nye love, politikker og budgetter. Det vil vi opnå ved at styrke Development for Peace Education’s græsrodsnetværk og skabe lokale medborgerhuse, hvor borgere kan få adgang til information, organisationer kan få mulighed for at arbejde med konkrete lobby projekter og hvor der kan afholdes offentlige debatter. De lokale aktiviteter gennemføres i tæt samspil med Development for Peace Education's nationale advocacy aktiviteter, der har til formål at sikre borgerindflydelse på love, politikker og finansloven.