Pilot project - Community Environment Action Plans in two sub-centrals in Coroico


01.05.2015 - 31.08.2016

Beviliget beløb:

497.488,- DKK


Ingeniører uden Grænser (IUG)




Projekt B (0,2-0,5 mio)

Indsatser foregår i:


Overordnede mål

Improvement of the livelihood in the Coroico municipality through the sustainable development and management of natural resources, which will result in their improved use and conservation.

Umiddelbare mål

1. Civil society in the two sub-centrals has the capacity and means to participate in the analysis of environmental problems, identify solutions and advocate for their solutions toward local politicians 2. The Municipal Environment Network Group (MENG) is well functioning, has an institutionalized structure and acts as a coordinator and voice of civil society towards the municipality on environmental issues 3. Caritas Coroico has consolidated its capabilities and experience in facilitating participatory methods to involve civil society in solving local environmental problems and perform advocacy of civil society in relation to municipal policy formulation


1. Around 16 communities (divided into two Sub-Centrals) 2. Members of the MENG 3. Technicians (staff) from Caritas who will be trained in participative methods of analysing environmental issues


Projektet har to hovedformål: 1. Et en deltagerorienteret udarbejdelse af miljøhandlingsplaner i to landområder i Coroico, Bolivia for at fremme en bæredygtig anvendelse og bevarelse af naturressourcerne i lokalsamfundene 2. Styrkelse af netværk bestående af civilsamfund, kommunen samt andre aktører med interesse i miljø. Målsætning er at netværket kan agere og virke som talerør for borgernes bekymringer og behov hvad angår de lokale myndigheders prioriteter, tilgang og initiativer på miljøområdet. Niveau I. i projekt danner basis for generering af viden, erfaring og aktiviteter i netværket (niveau II.).