Strengthening partnership network in Mongolia


01.08.2012 - 20.12.2016

Beviliget beløb:

4.995.397,- DKK


Dansk Mongolsk Selskab


Niigmiin Tunshleliin Suljee (NTS)/ Social Partnership Network




Projekt E (3 - 5 mio)

Indsatser foregår i:


Overordnede mål

Poverty reduction through mobilisation of local communities in Mongolia

Umiddelbare mål

1. Empowerment of 1400 families through the increased ability to work collectively and create networks in order to actively improve their living conditions 2. Provision of financial services to 1400 families from 70 Community Business Development Groups (ONBB) and a NTS Credit Union. 3. NTS and seven of its branches are well known in the project areas and have gained expertise on advocacy so they can better advocate the interest and rights of their members vis-à-vis the local government


The primary target is 1400 poor families with little income from a small informal business, involving the whole family or a single family member or in cooperation with neighbours or friends. Most of the stakeholders are women, who are commonly the most economic active and responsible.


Projektet er udvidelse af projektet "Styrkelse af socialt partnerskab netværk i Mongoliet". Det tidligere projekt har styrket de lokale organisationer "Socialt Partnerskab Network" i 5 mongolske lokalsamfund og har arbejdet for at empower fattige gennem etablering af selvhjælpsgrupper. Det ansøgte projekt vil bygge på erfaringerne fra det tidligere projekt.