Improved Food Security: Advocating for climate resilience and nutrition.


15.06.2017 - 31.03.2020

Beviliget beløb:

1.683.263,- DKK


Cykler til Senegal







Indsatser foregår i:

Gambia, the Senegal

Overordnede mål

Overall development objective: Contribute to food security by strengthening COLUFIFA’s advocacy and its capacities to develop sustainable models of resilience to the climatic and socio-cultural challenges of the milieu.

Umiddelbare mål

Immediate objectives: 1. Strengthen the organizational and financial capacities of COLUFIFA in view of responding to the members’ preoccupations and of playing an important role in civil society. 2. Develop models that strengthen the resilience of the members in view of assuring food security, through mechanisms of adaptation to and mitigation of CC and increased use of local products of high nutritional value in the diets of the most vulnerable groups. 3. Elaborate a strategy for advocacy and play an active catalyst role in CS and in relation to official agents at all levels, advocating for the rights of small producers in view of increased food security, including systematic registration and dissemination of the models developed.


The primary target group consists of COLUFIFA’s members, villagers from the poorest (southern) districts of Senegal and from neighbouring districts of the Gambia. Besides COLUFIFA’s over 5,000 members, the project will indirectly benefit the extended families (5-10 persons). From a gender perspective, the primary target group, the members, consists of two thirds women; and among union presidents 50 per cent are women, which means that COLUFIFA’s work is empowering the voice of women in a context that is dominated by men. CC resilience initiatives target both men and women, whereas issues within health and nutrition focus on women. Thus, the combination of the two approaches targets both men and women, but with most focus on women; and both young and old people and infants will gain from the activities.


COLUFIFA har via sin fortalervirksomhed (FV) opnået gode potentialer for bæredygtig synergi og alliancer. De identificerede alvorlige trusler mod fødevaresikkerheden som følge af klimaforandringer og ringe udnyttelse af de naturlige ressourcer vil projektet adressere gennem FV for at sikre producenternes rettigheder f.eks. til såsæd og ejerskab til jorden. For at øge fødevaresikkerheden vil vi sensibilisere om klimaforandringerne, teste nye afgrøder og dyrkningsmetoder samt teknikker til at modvirke jorderosion. Sideløbende vil vi arbejde med konservering og forarbejdning af lokale produkter samt formidle viden om sammenhængen mellem sundhed og ernæring. COLUFIFA vil blive styrket, især i forhold til finansiel styring, strategisk planlægning og FV. Lovende testresultater vil blive udbredt lokalt og nationalt. CtS vil bruge projekterfaringerne i vores oplysningsarbejde i Danmark.