Building the capacity of civil society in Tanzania on WASH Governance for improved government service delivery.


01.08.2015 - 31.07.2018

Beviliget beløb:

3.595.354,- DKK


Dansk Folkehjælp - DFH


Karatu Development Association (KDA) Tanzania Water and Sanitation Network (TAWASANET)




Projekt E (3 - 5 mio)

Indsatser foregår i:


Overordnede mål

Contributed to a stronger civil society and thereby ensuring improved WASH governance and service provision by Government in Tanzania by the end of the project.

Umiddelbare mål

Immediate Objective 1: Strengthened effective civil society participation in local government WASH planning and budgeting processes, and increased effective accountability by the end of the project. Immediate Objective 2: Strengthened civil society to effectively advocate for a national sanitation and hygiene policy by the end of the project. Immediate Objective 3: Strengthened organization of TAWASANET as the national network for civil society actors in the WASH sector by the end of the project.


The intervention’s primary target group is the TAWASANET network member organizations, the TAWASANET Secretariat and Board, and rights holders in the targeted communities in Karatu (two wards) and Dar es Salaam (two wards). Two people from each organisation will be trained (116 in total). The nine (9) board members of TAWASANET will also be trained. The training will include training in how to train colleagues (training of trainers). Indirectly, therefore the training will be passed on to an average five additional staff members in each of the trained TAWASNET members organisations (290 in total). 30 rights holders from each ward (4) will be targeted with training in local government planning processes and WASH (120 persons). 30 children in WASH clubs in 10 schools in each of the four wards will be trained on good governance and WASH (1,200 children in total). Following the training, the project will facilitate the school WASH clubs in reaching an average of 300 fellow students. Thus the secondary target groups count 12,000 students in total. With respect to duty bearers 70 ward councillors will be trained.


Formålet med projektet er at opbygge civilsamfundets kapacitet til at lave vidensbaseret fortalervirksomhed mhp. bedre regeringsførelse og serviceydelser inden for vand, sanitet og hygiejne (’WASH’) i Tanzania. I 2009 blev væsentlige beslutningsprocesser (inkl. budgetansvar) inden for WASH decentraliseret til kommunerne (’districts’), men hverken de lokale beslutningstagere (inkl. embedsværket) eller civilsamfundsorganisationerne har de nødvendige kompetencer til at deltage effektivt i disse planlægnings- og beslutningsprocesser. Projektet forsøger at udbedre disse mangler, specielt hvad angår kapacitet inden for god regeringsførelse og inddragelse af civilsamfundet. Projektet vil opbygge kapaciteten i TAWASANET, som er en landsdækkende WASH-paraplyorganisation, således at den bedre matcher medlemmernes behov og bliver stærk til fortalervirksomhed. Dele af projektet skal testes i to områder; nemlig i Karatu (land) og Dar es Salaam (by). I Karatu er projektpartneren KDA, som DPA har arbejdet sammen med i årevis.