Building climate resilience in vulnerable sex worker- and LGBT+ communities in Malawi and Uganda.


01.05.2024 - 31.12.2025

Beviliget beløb:

2.917.029,- DKK

Samlet budget:

2.917.029,- DKK




Action Hope Malawi (AHM) Centre for the Development of People (CEDEP)




Klimatilpasning (CCAM)

World goals:

Mål 1: Afskaf fattigdom

Mål 3: Sundhed og trivsel

Mål 5: Ligestilling mellem kønnene

Mål 10: Mindre ulighed

Mål 13: Klimaindsats

Indsatser foregår i:

Denmark Malawi Uganda


The intervention will be implemented within the sector of human health, addressing the connections between global health and local climate change. Considering that climate change exacerbates already existing vulnerabilities and challenges of sex workers- and LGBT+ communities in Malawi and Uganda, the intervention aims to build their resilience through a multi-faceted approach. The project combines awareness raising and capacity development of local partners and target groups on climate protection, establishing community-based climate adaptation actions, and delivering evidence-based advocacy targeted at duty bearers and decision makers at local, national, and international level. The intervention will involve 1.910 poor and vulnerable sex workers and LGBT+ persons in climate change adaptation trainings, advocacy and experience sharing and 13.100 individuals are expected to become more resilient to the effects of climate change based on the intervention’s activities.