Strengthening the professional capacity, resilience and methods to combat violence against women in the occupied Palestinian Territory (oPT) and Denmark


01.07.2017 - 31.12.2017

Beviliget beløb:

398.529,- DKK




Rural Women Development Society





Indsatser foregår i:

Denmark Palestine

Overordnede mål

The overall development objective of the intervention is to prevent and combat violence against women in the occupied Palestinian Territory (oPT) and Denmark.

Umiddelbare mål

The immediate objective is to exchange professional knowledge between the Palestinian NGO, Rural Women's Development Society (RWDS) and the Danish NGO, Danner, on outreach to vulnerable women and prevention of secondary traumatization among professionals working with VAW with the purpose of strengthening the work in the occupied Palestinian Territory (oPT) and Denmark for women exposed to VAW.


In order to reach the immediate objective, the core staff in Danner and RWDS respectively, who will benefit from engaging in a mutual learning process, will focus on developing new methods to eliminate VAW. Core staff is defined as both social workers and project managers. Social workers will strengthen their professional approach to women exposed to violence, while project managers will collect, consolidate and disseminate new knowledge and experiences obtained in the project period for future mutual benefit. Secondary beneficiaries are Palestinian women and women’s clubs in Palestine, who are not only intended to benefit from a strengthened RWDS but also to break the taboo on violence by engaging in dialogue meetings on VAW with Palestinian outreach consultant living in Denmark. Secondary beneficiaries are also professionals working with Palestinian/Arab women living in Denmark, by gaining inspiration and knowledge from RWDS’ approach to reaching out to vulnerable women and combatting and preventing VAW. Palestinian women living in Denmark are also secondary beneficiaries and will benefit from dialogue meetings with RWDS representatives on VAW.


Målet med projektet er at udveksle viden og metoder mellem Danner og RWDS i forhold til at nå ud til marginaliserede kvinder og at forebygge sekundær traumatisering blandt fagprofessionelle. Kapacitetsopbygning af begge organisationer skal bidrage til at styrke arbejdet med at bekæmpe vold mod kvinder i både Palæstina og Danmark på lang sigt. Projektets forandringsteori bygger på, at hvis vi styrker civilsamfundsaktørers kapacitet og modstandsdygtighed gennem erfaringsbaseret læring i forhold til at bekæmpe vold mod kvinder, så er civilsamfundet bedre rustet til at styrke voldsudsatte kvinder og bekæmpe vold på samfundsniveau. Dette er fordi, en stærk og modstandsdygtig kvindebevægelse er en forudsætning for at bekæmpe vold mod kvinder. Følgende fire aktiviteter skal føre til målopfyldelsen: Fagligt udvekslingsbesøg til Palæstina og Danmark, træning i sekundær traumatisering og udarbejdelses af behovsanalyse.