Strengthening the organization of sex workers in Ukraine


01.03.2017 - 28.02.2018

Beviliget beløb:

499.263,- DKK






Puljen for Naboskab


Projekt B (0,2-0,5 mio)

Indsatser foregår i:


Overordnede mål

Sex workers of Ukraine have reduced HIV prevalence and live healthy lives free of stigma and discrimination from public institutions as well as the general population

Umiddelbare mål

Objective 1: By May 2018, 1,200 SWs in seven districts have increased sexual health and health seeking behavior Objective 2: By May 2018, access to non-discriminative public health services have improved Objective 3: By May 2018, stigma and discrimination has been reduced in public institutions and society in general


The primary target group of this project will be a total of 1,920 SWs in the regions of Kirovograd Kiev, Odessa, Krivoi Rog, Vinnytsa, Nikolaev and Harkov. Specifically the project will target 400 SWs with condom distribution and HIV knowledge through peer-to-peer counselling. 800 SWs will receive training and counselling from gynecologists. 700 will receive counselling and referrals to health system by Ukrainian Help-Line and 20 SW leaders will be targeted with special self-esteem training to be able to engage in local political work. However, since the project seeks to increase access to health services and reduce police abuses and stigma and discrimination in society, all SWs in the seven regions will benefit from the intervention and not only those that are directly targeted. Secondary target groups will include a test training of 30 family doctors in HIV/AIDS. 9,000 people will be reached through social media and video production (900 people/month for 10 months). A number of clients, including police officers, truck drivers, soldiers etc., will be reached through information dissemination at SW hotspots. Lawyers, police officers, politicians and health service providers will also be targets of continuous local and national advocacy efforts.


Projektet vil udvide organisationen Legalife ved at samle og organisere sexarbejdere fra seks regioner. Gennem uddannede ‘peer counsellors’ vil sexarbejderne få viden om hiv/aids, kondomforhandling og deres juridiske rettigheder. Der vil blive etableret en hotline, hvor sexarbejdere kan stille spørgsmål om hiv og aids og blive henvist til sundhedspersonale, som er særligt uddannet i ikke-diskriminerende behandling. Desuden vil 20 sexarbejdere fra de forskellige regioner blive undervist i politiske forhold og selvtillid, for dermed at kunne indtræde i hiv-rådene i de regionale politiske instanser. Dermed vil Legalife arbejde for, at sexarbejderes rettigheder bliver respekteret, og at de særlige udfordringer med hiv og aids blandt denne gruppe bliver addresseret.