New Pathways in Ukraine: Popular education, local democracy and Human Rights


01.01.2021 - 31.12.2021

Beviliget beløb:

499.690,- DKK

Samlet budget:

521.365,- DKK


Den Danske Helsinki-Komité for Menneskerettigheder


Center for Humanistic Technologies AHALAR





World goals:

Mål 4: Kvalitetsuddannelse

Mål 10: Mindre ulighed

Mål 11: Bæredygtige byer og lokalsamfund

Mål 13: Klimaindsats

Mål 17: Partnerskaber for handling

Indsatser foregår i:


Overordnede mål

The overall objective of the project is to enhance the capacity of civil society to strengthen participatory local democracy and human rights in Chernihiv in Ukraine.

Umiddelbare mål

The immediate objectives are triple: ● Establishing and building capacity of the Chernihiv Non-formal Education Center (CNEC). The mission of CNEC is active citizenship and community learning for local democracy and human rights in Chernihiv. The partners will share their learning experiences, knowledge and skills and together develop new learning programs. The partners will make popular education visible, facilitate networking and learning, disseminate experiences of popular education and work for recognition of popular education. ● Strengthening civil society participation in local democracy through educational activities, that contribute to realizing strategic goals of Chernihiv City: “Strategy of Chernihiv Development until 2020: “Development of human potential, People First”: Citizens as a key factor of change in the city, to create an environment in which the citizens have the opportunity to express themselves and meet their own needs for self-identification and their own development. ● Strengthening human rights in the local community through educational activities, that enables the participants to promote and protect human rights as a cross-cutting activity.


Primary target group: 120 residents of Chernihiv - animators who are active in various spheres of public life (people who have potential and are willing to contribute to community development at any level) and are faced with a lack of the necessary competencies to implement positive democratic changes. Secondary target group: Final beneficiaries are the residents of Chernihiv who will receive an inspiring group of compatriots who show positive examples of social activity. This will allow more citizens from Chernihiv to join new areas of experience and expand their horizons for future changes. It is estimated that 500+ citizens will be affected by the project.


Projekt New Pathways in Ukraine: Popular education, local democracy and Human Rights har tre ben: folkeoplysning, borgerinvolvering og menneskerettigheder. Projektet vil øge civilsamfundets kapacitet i Chernihiv til at styrke lokaldemokrati og menneskerettigheder. Projektet vil opbygge et Non-Formal Education Centre og afprøve folkeoplysning som indsats for et styrket civilsamfund. Projektet samler en række lokale foreninger for at opbygge synergi mellem civilsamfundsorganisationerne aktiviteter med fokus på at udvikle det menneskelige og civile potentiale for lokale forandringer, som fremmer social og politisk bæredygtighed og menneskerettigheder. Projektet vil opsamle lokale erfaringer med folkeoplysning med henblik på at udvikle en stærkere folkeoplysende indsats på nationalt plan. Projektet gennemfører borgerrettede programmer, hvor de lokale foreninger samtidig lærer af egne erfaringer og udvikler nye metoder og indsatser. Projektet varer et år.