Institutionalising the Practice of Local Democratic and Accountable Governance with ASK in Nepal


01.10.2015 - 30.09.2019

Beviliget beløb:

993.795,- DKK








Projekt C (0,5 - 1 mio)

Indsatser foregår i:


Overordnede mål

Improved lives and reduced inequalities among citizen in 23 villages in 2 Village Development Commitees (VDCs) in Syangja and Kavre districts in Nepal.

Umiddelbare mål

1. ASK staff and members of the Village Committeesj, promote, organize, empower and successfully facilitate various processes (Settlement Level Planning, VDC-Public Social Audit, Participatory Services Improvement, PSI, Right to Information, RTI) among themselves and in cooperation with local authorities. 2. The practice of VDC-PSA, PSI, and access and Right to Information are well known and established in 23 villages, which have contributed to a better public service delivery in key areas such as health, education and agriculture especially benefiting the disadvantaged. 3. The practice of participatory planning process has improved the lives of citizens through proper allocation of of internal and external resoures for activities in accordance with the citizens aspirations.


The target group, beneficiaries of this project are 9964 citizens who live in 23 villages in two VDCs. In Kavre the population are mainly Tamang, 65%, and Dalits are 2% and in Syangj the population is mainly Gurung and 19% Dalits. The number of men and women is almost equal with a balance towards women as some men have gone to the Middle east, India etc. as migrant workers. The Village Committees have 7 elected member, women should be about half, and Dalits should also be represented. The 23 villages are those that get support from ASK and Triangle. The citizens of the two target VDC are marginalised in relation to overall economic growth in the districts and in relaiton to decision making at all levels. The need to reduce inequality in the villages has been identified as a priority by the villagers. Main beneficiaries in the capacity building activities are primarily ASK staff and facilitaors and the members of the Village commitees from the 23 villages. The VDC secretary and social mobilisers are also invited for the training activities.


Projektet ønsker at styrke 23 Landsby- komitéers kapacitet for demokratisk medinflydelse/empowerment for at deltage i lokalplanlægning og ansvarliggøre kommunen og beslutningstagere for deres brug af statsmidler. Målet er at opnå en bedre kvalitet af undervisning, infrastruktur, sundhedsklinikker mm. som kan bidrage til forbedrede levevilkår for landsbyboerne i 23 landsbyer i Nepal. Trianglens partner ASKs vil institutionalisere de metoder som regeringen har lagt rammer for med et Local Participatory Planning Programme som giver borgerne mere indflydelse. Det vil ske gennem kapacitetsopbygning af ASK i samarbejde med Trianglen. ASK vil træne landsbyerne, Ward Citizen Forum og de ansvarlige myndigheder efter anmodning, så participatorisk demokrati spredes til begge distrikterne. ASK vil være i stand til at gennemføre fortalervirksomhed i forhold til de lokale myndigheder for at programmet bliver implementeret til gavn for borgere i Syanga og Karve distrikter.