Organic Agriculture Climate Change Intervention for Empowering of Smallholder Farmers (ACCISS)


15.11.2017 - 31.12.2019

Beviliget beløb:

2.674.707,- DKK


Økologisk Landsforening


Tanzania Organic Agriculture Movement (TOAM)





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Overordnede mål

Organic Agriculture Climate Change (OACC) resilience adoption strategy and strengthening of advocacy capacity by 2020 are contributing to stronger civil society organizations and improved food security among 2000 smallholder farmer families in Chamwino district Dodoma.

Umiddelbare mål

Obj. 1) An Organic Agriculture Climate Change (OACC) resilience adoption strategy for food security and improved livelihood developed, tested, implemented and documented in a context where the fragile livelihood of smallholder farmer families is seriously threatened by climate changes in combination with environmental degradation. Obj. 2) The capacity of TOAM to mobilize and organize smallholder farmers in a collaborative and participatory process into FFLGs to advocate the rights of smallholder farmers nationally, regionally and at district level has increased and has shown tangible results. Obj.3) Civil society in Chamwino district is empowered through organizing smallholder farmers into FFLGs, and the partners have documented the adaption of the FFLGs to the context of mainland Tanzania


The primary target group of the project consists of approximately 10.000 members of farmer families), belonging to 2,000 households, organized into 60 FFLG groups of 25-35 members each. The FFLGs are organized on a village level and consist of whole families, including youth and children. Experience shows that women show greater interest in membership than men, and women therefore constitute a majority in the groups. The members are poor small-scale farmers with 1-3 acres of land available, and a low output of agricultural produce. The 50 FFLG external facilitators are elected by and among the members of the FFLG, based on the criteria that they are literate - preferable graduates from secondary school; their main occupation is farming; they have confidence in organic farming; they live in the village among the members of the FFLG; they are open-minded and eager to learn; and they have experience and capacity in governance matters. Women are encouraged to become FFLG external facilitators. To reflect the composition of the FFLGs, at least 50% of the FFLG facilitators should be females. The FFLG external facilitators are trained and mentored by the project to facilitate the development process of one or two FFLGs. The local communities that are expected to benefit from the project is anticipated to number 45,745 people (21,812 males and 23,933 females) from 10 villages in 5 wards (Chilonwa, Manchali, Majereko, Ikowa and Msamalo). This accounts 13.8% of the district population. The population of the villages and wards in which the FFLGs are organized are mainly subsistence farmers. The communities will benefit from the increased horizontal knowledge sharing through the established FFLGs, both when it comes to implementing organic farming methods and establishing FFLGs, but also when it comes to advocacy activities initiated by the FFLGs. TOAM’s previous positive experience working in the three villages in Chamwino district was a core criterion in the selection of Chamwino district. The Chamwino District Council (CDC) is part of the secondary target group and has a keen interest in improving the capacity of their agricultural extension and community development staff to address the challenges of food insecurity and climate change in their district in line with the government CSA guidelines. The project will benefit the district through facilitating the OACC strategy development and show casing how climate change resilience can be improved. Furthermore, organizing farmers into FFLG that can receive advice and support will benefit the CDC.


Projektet har til formål at udvikle en strategi for økologisk jordbrugs bidrag til at skabe resiliens mod klimaforandringer(OACC) – en strategi, der styrker småbønders fortalervirksomhed, sikrer fødevaresikkerhed og opbygger stærke civilsamfundsorganisationer for småbønder i Chamwino, Dodoma - en af de regioner i Tanzania, der er hårdest ramt af klimaforandringer. Målgruppen er ca. 2000 landbrugsfamilier i alt ca. 10000 personer i 10 landsbyer organiseret i 60 Farmer Family Learning Groups (FFLG), der implementerer bæredygtige, klimavenlige dyrkningsmetoder og styrker civilsamfundet ved at organisere småproducenterne. Projektet træner 50 eksterne FFLG facilitatorer i fortalervirksomhed, økologisk jordbrug, produktion af lokal såsæd, FFLG-metode, samt træplantning. På nationalt plan gennemfører TOAM med OACC-strategien som case fortalervirksomhed for småbønders fødevaresikkerhed, adgang til rådgivning i økologisk jordbrug, FFLG metoden, samt anerkendelse af økologisk jordbrug bidrag til opbygning resiliens mod klimaforandringer.?