Lifesaving Emergency Intervention for the drought affected population in Galgadud in Galmudug


22.12.2021 - 22.04.2022

Beviliget beløb:

776.937,- DKK

Samlet budget:

786.437,- DKK


Somalisk Forening for Genopbygning (OFROSOM)


New ways organization


DERF - Nødhjælpspuljen


21-008-SP-Severe Drought in Somalia

World goals:

Mål 1: Afskaf fattigdom

Mål 2: Stop sult

Mål 6: Rent vand og sanitet

Indsatser foregår i:



An estimated 2.3 million people in Somalia – almost 20 per cent of the population in 57 out of 74 districts – are experiencing alarming water shortages, due to a worsening drought. About 96,000 people have left their homes, especially in central and southern areas, due to lack of access to food and water. The country is facing a high risk of a fourth consecutive failed rainy season, following the poor performance of recent rains. Based on historical impacts of previous droughts, it is likely that the number of people facing acute food insecurity will increase. The deteriorating situation has escalated humanitarian needs, at a time when more than 5.9 million people need assistance amid funding shortages and access constraints. Therefore, the objective of application proposal is to assist the severe drought-affected populations by providing food security, save drinking water and hygiene promotion. Our target group is 2.400 drought affected people in Galgaduud