Accelerating Implementation of Regional Policies on Clean Energy in West Africa


01.01.2016 - 31.12.2018

Beviliget beløb:

4.999.943,- DKK




Association Centre Ecologique Albert Schweitzer du Burkina Faso (CEAS) Environment & Development Action in The Third World (ENDA) MFC Nyetaa


Puljen for Klima og Miljø


Længerevarende indsats (PKM)

Indsatser foregår i:

Burkina Faso Mali Senegal

Overordnede mål

Development Objective: Contribute to strengthen the implementation of regional agreed policies and strategies on pro-poor climate mitigation in sustainable energy access in West Africa.

Umiddelbare mål

Intervention Objective: By the end of the project, the political agenda in ECOWAS concerning the implementation of regionally agreed pro-poor climate- and energy-policies has improved.


The primary target group and participants in this project is the CSOs working with climate change and access to clean energy in Senegal, Mali, and Burkina Faso and to a lesser extent Benin, Cote D’Ivoire, Niger and Togo. The project will work with networks and CSOs directly in these countries. The primary target group has national and regional linkages, contacts, and goodwill experience in development and implementation of community development projects as well as dedicated staff. The primary target group is selected based on its power to influence the implementation of the policies and involving the needs of poor communities. The project is based on the Theory of Change that once CSOs are more involved in the process of the national RE and EE actions plans, more initiatives will come in the direction of the poor and underrepresented groups. The secondary target group is national and regional decision-makers mainly ministries and government agencies involved in energy, climate and biomass production (biomass in the form of firewood and charcoal is the main energy source in the ECOWAS-countries). Also ECREEE which assists the ECOWAS member states to develop a coherent and aligned roadmap process belong to this group. The tertiary target group is decision makers present at global climate negotiations where INFORSE will disseminate results. In the long run, local communities of the ECOWAS-region are to benefit from the project and the project will ensure the needs of poor and underrepresented groups as well as both men and women are advocated for.


Projektets formål er at bidrage til at styrke implementeringen af regionale politikker omkring fattigdomsbekæmpelse og klima mitigation inden for adgang til vedvarende energi i Vestafrika. Projektets mål er styrke implementeringen ved at øge viden og ejerskab for disse politikker blandt civilsamfundsaktører, privatsektor-aktører og beslutningstagere nationalt og regionalt i ECOWAS landene. Projektet vil fokusere på tre dimensioner: 1) gennemføre en analyse af nationale praksisser og dokumentere ’best practices’ i syv forskellige ECOWAS lande. 2) styrke nationale CSO’ers viden og kapacitet til at gennemføre fortalervirksomhed inden for dette område herunder styrke nationale koalitioner og deres samarbejde om at udvikle og gennemføre fortalervirksom-hed. 3) styrke og øge regional fortalervirksomhed rettet mod ECOWAS institutioner og beslutningstagere inden for fattigdomsorientering og adgang til vedvarende energi. Dette skal bl.a. ske ved at styrke regionale netværk af CSO’er og regioner erfaringsudveksling.