Forming the basis for scaling up Comprehensive Sexuality Education in Ukraine


01.03.2017 - 01.03.2018

Beviliget beløb:

494.771,- DKK


Sex & Samfund


Puljen for Naboskab



Indsatser foregår i:


Overordnede mål

To improve the environment and WHFPs capacity for collaborating with teachers and engaging educational institutions and regional and local authorities to ensure CSE for their target groups.

Umiddelbare mål

Process 1. Establishing a solid partnership between DFPA and WHFP Process 2. Opening dialogue with educational institutions and local government on scaling-up quality CSE in the targeted schools Process 3. Strengthening the capacity of WHFO to equip teachers with methods for providing quality CSE


Teachers and young people. Teachers targeted with the aim of capacity building, changing attitudes towards CSE and equipping them with tools and methods to deliver CSE. Young people targeted with the aim of strengthening their abilities for critical thinking, reflection and action to healthy choices regarding sexual and reproductive health as well as take an active role in democratic processes. The intervention aims to ensure women and men’s /girls’ and boys’ equal participation both in relation to participating teachers, and in regards to pupils.


Partnerskabsinitiativet har til formål at etablere et gensidigt partnerskab mellem Sex & Samfund og vores ukrainske søsterorganisation WHFP. WHFP arbejder for seksualundervisning i de ukrainske skoler med fokus på forældre og ung-til-ung formidling, men ønsker at arbejde med lærerne for at sikre, at seksualundervisning bliver leveret i skolerne, som lovgivningen foreskriver. Sex & Samfund har solid erfaring med at kapacitetsopbygge civilsamfundsorganisationer og lærere i seksualundervisning også internationalt. Sammen vil vi udvikle et initiativ, der sætter vores respektive styrker i spil herunder vores tilstedeværelse i meningsdannende europæiske netværk. Dette initiativ vil styrke centrale myndigheders viden om seksualundervisning og læreres kompetencer inden for seksualundervisning. I sidste ende vil det bidrage til elevernes kompetencer til at kunne handle på viden om deres seksuelle sundhed.