Brødremenighedens Danske Mission

BDM is a Danish faith-based organisation with its headquarters in Christiansfeld, Denmark. BDM was established in 1843 as a mission arm related to The Moravian Church. Today the organization has 384 members. In 2022 BDM had an annual income of 8.69 mio. DKK. BDM is engaged in different development interventions in Tanzania, DR Congo, Burundi, Rwanda, Albania, and Palestine. The interventions are thematically centred on education, health, and humanitarian aid. The vision of BDM is to preach the Gospel for all mankind from the point of view that God as creator made humans to be equal despite differences in shape and colour. Preaching the Gospel is done by deeds (working together in fellowship) – as our ancient founder added to his expression of this theme: “If necessary, use words!” In praxis this means that BDM considers human beings as a whole, which can’t be separated in body and soul.


Nørregade 14

6070 Christiansfeld

Tlf: 35294820



Indsatser foregår i:

Democratic Republic of Congo



Bevillinger: Community Based Primary Health Care DR Congo Inclusion of People with Intellectual Disabilities in Palestinian schools
FN's Verdensmål:

Mål 3: Sundhed og trivsel

Mål 4: Kvalitetsuddannelse

Mål 6: Rent vand og sanitet

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