Positive Vibes Trust (Namibia)


49 Pasteur Street, Windhoek West

9000 Windhoek

+26161245556 flavian@positivevibes.org http://www.positivevibes.org




Keetmanshoop Youth Project, Phase 2: Deepening impact and sustainability //Ana-Djeh San Trust INCLUSION, ACCEPTANCE AND SAFETY – ENHANCING PARTNER RESPONSES

Positive Vibes, which grew out of the Danish development organisation Ibis, has a long track record of work at community level in Namibia initially around HIV/Aids, as well as advocacy work addressing local and national government institutions. PV has played a key role in national strategy and policy development processes and engaged in many dialogues with the Namibian government in collaboration with its network of civil society partners. PV is represented on several key Technical Working Groups and Advisory Committees under the Ministry of Health and Social Services (MoHSS). PV also works closely with the Office of the Ombudsman and the Office of the First Lady of Namibia. At the local level, and in the North and West of the country, PV is a respected partner represented in local coordination structures, e.g. Regional Aids Coordination Committees (RACOCs). PV’s work aims to disrupt othering, marginalisation and exclusion, and to enable people to find effective ways to challenge and address injustice and inequality – where they live, and the larger systems that surround them. PV’s long-term accompaniment of people, groups, organisations and movements focuses on fostering strategic partnerships through consensus-building, collaboration, and the co-creation of processes and programmes. In its work at community level, PV uses a set of methodologies – the Looking In, Looking Out (LILO) approach – as the basis for collaboration, learning, and the development of agency and voice. PV’s work is informed by our evidence-based approach to programme development and implementation.. Since 2012 the organisation expanded its work to the rest of Africa and beyond, and its global work today constitute more than 2/3 of the organisation's work. After a difficult period in terms of fundraising in Namibia and reduced activities, the core Namibia operation is again doing very well also.