International Aid Services Niger


Porte 632, Rue Issa Korombé, Quartier Djeddah

8000 Niamey

+227 20 36 08 09


International Aid Services (IAS)

International Aid Services Niger country office was first registered in October 2014, with a mi ssion "to save lives, promote self-reliance and dignity through human transformation, going b eyond relief and development." IAS works across the development-humanitarian spectrum, s pecialising in the WASH sector. Since beginning, IAS Niger has implemented humanitarian WASH projects in Tillaberi, Maradi, Tahoua, Zinder and Diffa regions, and development WA SH projects in Tillaberi. Main activities include the provision of safe drinking water through dr illing boreholes and installing solar and hand pumps, community hygiene promotion, WASH i n Schools, sanitation through the Community Led Total Sanitation approach, distribution of WASH kits and food items, community gardens, tree planting, etc. Following a merger betwe en IAS Sweden and Läkarmissionen in 2019, IAS Niger is now part of Läkarmissionen while retaining its name and registration in Niger.