Heñói - Centro de Estudios y Promoción de la Democracia, los Derechos Humanos y la Sostenibilidad Socio-Ambiental


Ybyra Pyta 1151 - Asunción


+595 21 553 083 henoi@henoi.org.py https://henoi.org.py/


Miljøbevægelsen NOAH


Peasants’ alternatives: Harnessing resiliency and food sovereignty

HEÑÓI was born in 2010 as an articulation of organizations from the countryside and the city, to actively resist the unsustainable model of agribusiness, and defend the peasant and indigenous production of healthy food, as well as the rescue, production and exchange of native seeds through seed fairs. In 2017, it was established as a non-profit civil association, with the structure of a research center focused on the study of agribusiness impacts on society and the environment. It is based in Asuncion, Paraguay, and belongs to several local, regional and global networks. Since its constitution as a non-profit civil association, we have been executing projects linked to peasant communities and civil society, where the role of women is prominent. The transversal axes of its work are human rights, citizen participation, and socioeconomic and environmental sustainability. Heñói has a multidisciplinary structure, with professionals trained in various areas and with different lines of research, covering the needs of the economic, social and environmental axes of the projects under development. Currently the entire research team is in constant contact with the producers who are the key actors; we actively develop field and cabinet work.