

Vill. -Chotobonogram (Uttarpara), p.o- Sopura, P.S- Chandrima, Upozilla-Boalia, Dist.-Rajshahi

6203 Rajshahi

0880 1711385067


U-landsforeningen Svalerne

RULFAO has been implementing Social mobilization, Fishery, Sanitation, Tree plantation etc. Development activities in 502 villages of 35 Unions Under Rajshahi District since 1978. This organization has been implementing Empowerment Through Resource integration successfully in 72 villages of 8 unions under Tanore Upazila among 136 female groups and 82 male groups including 3992 people. The Organization gathered information about 3000 acre Khasland about 900 acre khas water body in Tanore. In addition, there are three Beel named Beel Kumari, Beel pipri and Beel Tengra in Tanore which include some more 1000 Landless People by distribution this Khasland among the there live a remarkable number of Indigenous and low caste families. RULFAO has been working for establishing land rights for the poor and marginal people for a long time. RULFAO has been working for establishing land rights for the poor and marginal people for a long time. RULFAO is working with 10 male-female group and 17 village working as well as with a women action group comprised with 10 member from 10 women groups. Primary activities: RULFAO is assisting all the group to reduce domestic Violence, Reduce dowry, Stop child marriage, To ensure child education, Birth registration, Mariage registration Recovery of khas land.