

P.O. Sardah Dist. Rajshahi

6271 Rajshahi

0880 01711821173


U-landsforeningen Svalerne

Thanapara Swallows Development Society is located in the northwestern part of Bangladesh on the riverbank of Padma (Ganges). After liberation war The Swllows-Sweden came to Thanapara for rehabilitation of affected people of this locality. They worked for long time. Finally in 01 October, 1999 The Swedish people handed over the charge of The Swallows to Thanapara people to handle by their own. Thanapara Swallows Development Society (TSDS) has been working different project and program for poor, vulnerable and merginalized for people, especially for the women's rights establishment. Currently, a full-time staff and representative members from all of the village programs manage the Society. The Handicrafts Program is a self-sustaining operation with 138 women and three men working regularly. The Formal Primary School has over 300 students and maintains a waiting list of needy children. The Village Development Program consists of some 5,225 members who are saving regularly.