Fundación Teko Kavi


Calle Vincenti 981

7624 La Paz

591 2 2410953


Dansk International Bosætningsservice (DIB)


Empowering indigenous women and their organisations in the Bolivian Amazon ARCA: Acciones de Resiliencia Contra el Cambio Climático - Participatory Civic Actions of Resilience Against Climate Change Driven by Women Leaders and Young Leaders in La Paz And El Alto, Bolivia Altiplano Adaptation: Youth Agents Acting for Climate Change Adaptation in the Bolivian highlands Empowering indigenous women and their organisations in the Bolivian Amazon Drought humanitarian aid to indigenous communities of Apolobamba in Bolivia

Teko Kavi (TK) is a non-profit organization working with indigenous peoples and marginalized populations, who have historically suffered marginalization, discrimination and limited access to better social, political and economic conditions. TK's vision is based on the concept of Vivir Bien (Good Life / Living Well), which constitutes the search for harmony and balance in life and with nature, the Mother Earth, respecting the cultural and natural diversity of Bolivia. TK is deeply committed to civil society and works with the promotion and development of capacities of locals in relation to social, educational, environmental and health policies at the national, regional and municipal levels. Teko Kavi participates in alliances with civil society and other NGOs, in the development of capacities of indigenous communities, developing environmental concepts, strengthening knowledge on forest management for mitigation and adaptation to climate change. It carried out economic development projects, productive ventures and their sale using information and communication technology in indigenous communities and encouraging agro-ecological production in the Amazon in Madidi, Beni Biological Station and projects in San Antonio de Lomerío, Chiquitanía, thus strengthening civil society in the Amazon, as well as support with stopping wildfires. In the economic promotion and sustainable production, TK has supported the creation of networks in the state health personnel, in teachers, in teacher training schools, public schools, municipal authorities, indigenous organizations and civil society. It has also obtained success with the formation and training in the nine departments of the country to active members of various organizations for people with disabilities, thus improving the sustainability and capacity of the organization, giving people with disabilities in Bolivia a strong voice in society.