Association Femme et Citoyenneté - AFC


26 Rue Aghadir, el Ons city

7117 El Kef

+216 78 227 244




Protecting women victims of violence and preventing femicide in Tunisia

Association Femme et Citoyenneté - AFC is a non-profit and non-governmental organization (NGO) based in the governorate of Kef, Tunisia and more specifically in the city of El Kef. This feminist organization was created by 13 activist women on April 15th , 2011 in a post-revolutionary period which witnessed the rise of conservatism and religious extremism representing threats to women's rights and to the emerging democracy. Today, the AFC Board is made up of 7 women and the activities and projects carried out by the association are mainly focusing on: -taking care of women/girls victims of violence at the Manara center. -promoting women's rights in the governorate of Kef. -ensuring the socio-professional integration of women victims of violence. - supporting the national observatory for the observation of violence against women. - assuring technical support of the regional authority to fight violence against women in El Kef (IRC) AFC has worked with nearly 3,000 women in rural areas of the governorate of Kef on gender, gender-based violence, available procedures, and services for women victims/victims of violence through a network of 10 female focal points scattered all over the governorate. Training is also a tool used by AFC, similarly to the activities in this proposal – AFC has for example trained more than 110 service providers from administrations affiliated with the Ministry of Social Affairs, the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Women, the Police, and the National Guard in topics such as gender, gender-based violence, the cycle of domestic violence, the caring for women victims of violence and intersectoral coordination. Thus, AFC has very solid experience in caring for women victims of violence, while working with duty bearers and enhance communication and coordination between civil society and duty bearers.