Society of Augmentative and Alternative Communication-Kenya (SAAC Kenya)


P.O Box 17334, Nakuru

20100 Nakuru

+254 723 482 249


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Communication Matters

SAAC Kenya evolved from the need to address the challenges faced by persons with communication difficulties in Kenya beginning with children in Special Education programs and cascading into those in the community. The mission is to ensure that the Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) method will be recognized as a system of communication at all levels of our community. So far, the society has succeeded in getting AAC included as content to be taught in special schools in our Competency Based Curriculum National Curriculum. It has further been included in the Teacher Education Curriculum. We have also held a few sensitization forums with professionals and stake holders who in some way interact with persons with communication difficulties. Our experts take every opportunity to sensitize people in any educational or social forums on AAC. We have continued to encourage our two Model Schools and highlighting the role of the AAC experts trained during the CISU supported projects, AAC in Kenya 1 and 2 in propagating AAC in other educational, social and medical facilities. We are in constant pursuance of relevant government authority and agencies in their formulation of policies to include the recognition of AAC as an important Communication system with the intention of culminating to the enactment of legislation that will recognize AAC in the Kenyan language policy.