Movimento dos Trabalhadores Rurais Sem Terra (MST)



Miljøbevægelsen NOAH


Climate adaptation through planting trees and producing healthy food

MST is a social movement without legal registering, hierarchical organizational structure and centralized economy. MST is the implementing partner of the intervention, while Instituto Cultivar is the administrative partner. MST emerged in 1984 in the context of the Military Dictatorship and with the protagonism of rural workers fighting for land and democracy. The movement comprises 3 main objectives: fighting for land, fighting for Agrarian Reform and fighting for social changes in the country. With Brazil's redemocratization period, MST members were at the forefront of discussions about the social function of land, including in the construction of the new constituent. MST has since symbolized the struggle for the democratization of land in Brazil which, through Agrarian Reform, seeks to guarantee the country's food sovereignty, the preservation of the environment and better conditions of living for family farmers. The MST is present in all five regions of the country (24 states and more than 1,000 municipalities) mobilizing around 400 thousand families (an estimated 2 million people) who conquered the land through the struggle and organization of rural workers, in addition to approximately 70 thousand families who are camped in areas not yet approved for Agrarian Reform. Education is one of the priority areas of activity of the MST, which since its inception has developed educational processes and included as a priority the fight for the universalization of the right to school and quality education, from childhood to university. In this sense, the MST seeks to collectively build a set of educational practices towards an emancipatory social project, led by peasants and workers.