Centro de Prevención Tratamiento y Rehabilitación de Victimas de Tortura (CPTRT)


Colonia Palmira, Calzada EL OLIVO, casa No 350

Tegucigalpa, M.D.C.

+504 22 22 39 47 /+504 22 22 77 16 / +504 9961-2957 cptrt@cablecolor.hn www.https://cptrthn.org/


Nunca Mas


Strengthening advocacy and psychosocial support to networks of young human rights defenders in Choluteca, Honduras Phase III.

The CPTRT is a broad human rights organization that considers violence prevention its main axis for its work. Provides medical and psychological care to victims of torture and their families in Honduras, with a great model of human team. The Center for the Prevention, Treatment and Rehabilitation of Victims of Torture and their Families (CPTRT) focuses on human rights and offers medical services, consultations, therapy and self-help information for survivors of torture. Originally founded in 1995 to address issues of political violence and missing persons, the C.P.T.R.T. has expanded its work in recent decades to include the prevention of inhumane conditions within Honduran prisons. One of the greatest challenges and risks in human rights work is torture, a political, social phenomenon, be it individual, collective family or community. Trauma does not only involve this problem. With the emergence of the CPTRT, the practice of torture, cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment is institutionally recognized by the State of Honduras, the community and civil society; not only as an isolated, hidden act, but also as a frequent event in prisons, during states of siege, coups, evictions and forced displacement of indigenous communities, Garífunas, peasants and other inhabitants due to problems of land and their territories.