

3a Sichovyh Striltsiv Str

49000 Dnipro



DIGNITY - Dansk Institut Mod Tortur

Forpost was established in 2015. Initially it was a volunteer group providing mental health and psycho-social support for the rehabilitation of IDPs and military veterans from the conflict in Eastern Ukraine. In 2016, Forpost got institutionalized as a non-governmental organization and registered with the authorities. In 2017, the general assembly of the organization adopted a decision to develop support programs for vulnerable groups members who survived torture. Such work was considered clinical and human rights advocacy amid insufficient state support of beneficiaries. Forpost's mission is restore mental health for better quality of life in the society. Its primary activities are within provision of MHPSS for survivors of conflict and torture, capacity building of mental health professionals in the public sector and advocacy for access to rehabilitation. Primary target groups include survivors of torture, degrading, abusive, or inhumane treatment or punishments; Vulnerable individuals who have been through potentially traumatizing experience in warfare or accidents; professionals whose work has significant effect on rehabilitation of the mentioned groups: psychologists, healthcare workers, social workers, human rights advocates, lawyers, journalists.