Joygopalpur Gram Vikash Kendra (JGVK)


P.O. J.N.Hat, P.S. Basanti,

743312 Joygopalpur

03218-203020; 03218-213919 (landline)91 9732522848 mobile)


IGF Danmark


Sustainable improvement of the livelihood of poor farmers in Sunderbans, India through advocacy

Mr. Biswajit Mahakur, a resident of the village Joygoplapur and currently the Secretary of the organization, was inspired by the thoughts of the renowned scientist and youth mobilizer Dr. Meghnath Saha on rural reconstruction through youth. Mr. Mahakur, on his turn, was able to inspire a group of like-minded youth of Joygopalpur to this ideal - of doing something for their own village - and eventually set up the present organization so as to achieve their aspirations. Primary activities: 1. Livelihood Promotional via Farm Based activities including Organic, Natural Farming system.. Several income generating activities. 2. Education for childre and young adults. JGVK has created a model school with more than 500 students. Vocational training for drop outs 3. Health and Hygiene: Several health projects. Support to water and sanitiation fascilities. 4. Environment protection activities All activities include Advocacy & linkages with government services