Corporación Futuro Valdivia, CFV


Ciudadela Victor Emilio Estrada

241754 Valdivia, Santa Elena

+593 989 631 698


Udviklingssamarbejde for bæredygtig udvikling (UBU)


Building Cooperativism in Rural Ecuador

CFV is a tight organization created around a health and social care team that worked together “in the forest”, some 3 kms from an asphalt road, without public transportation, “a location without future” as Monika Steffel said, and moved to the center of the populated San Pedro-Valdivia area with 12000 inhabitants, offering a wide range of health care and social programs, attending some 8000 patients per year. The team has grown around general health care, preventative care, planned surgery and a program for children suffering from malnutrition, a critical problem in Ecuador and a priority of the new president. Early plans to start activities for children and teens like Montessori-inspired activities, computer / internet training and promotion of local produce and products were abandoned when a former president declared that NGOs should pay 77,5% taxes on contributions / donations from abroad. The new president, as of May 2021 is welcoming NGOs to work in Ecuador.