Rural Development Community Based Organisation (RUDECO)


C/o Konya Community Centre, East Ugenia,

50404 Siaya County

+254 792698350


Danish Minorities' Center for Human Rights and Development (DMC-HRD)

Rural Development Community (RUDECO) is a sub-county rural community-based people’s organisation founded with the sole vision of empowering the rural community to achieve civic literacy in order to fight for their rightful share of the national cake. RUDECO started as a self-help group in 2014 primarily for group members to help each other socially and economically, the support group also involved helping each other in cultivation of farmland. RUDECO has today evolved in a strong membership driven organisation advocacy group for advocating for quality service delivery from public institutions. RUDECO prioritises capacity building on local governance as the number one agenda. The knowledge is key in making the community understand their roles in the new Kenya where citizens participation in local issues is key in local budget making and resource allocation processes. RUDECO is organisationally composed of democratically elected officials, a constitution and an active board and a project team. The organisation's activities are voluntary driven. RUDECO is working hard to build its capacity to enable it to be strong and effective in the community. It is only through this that RUDECO can implement innovative activities that can positively affect the process of rural change i.e., increase citizen's participation in local governance through the concept of public participation.