NCD Alliance East Africa (EANCDA)


731 Mawanda road

256 Kampala



Kræftens Bekæmpelse


Making Non-Communicable Disease Prevention and Control a Development Priority in East Africa Phase 2 Making Non Communicable Diseases prevention and control a development priority in East Africa

The NCD Alliance East Africa (EANCDA) was formed in 2014 as an informal network of the national Non-Communicable Diseases Alliances of East Africa. The goal was to create a strong Alliance of advocates to increase awareness and advocate for action against NCDs in East Africa. The Alliance is organized in a cascading structure at two main levels the regional and national levels. The regional level is constituted by the National Alliance of Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania, Uganda, and Zanzibar (which is a semi-autonomous territory under Tanzania). The national NCD Alliances are in turn constituted by member Associations. They are each constituted by a strong. membership of different national societies of non-communicable diseases such as Cancer Societies, Diabetes Associations, Cardiovascular Disease Associations, patients’ associations, and other civil society organizations working in the area of non-communicable diseases. The member associations also in turn have diverse membership for example the Stroke or Cancer Societies have medical professionals, patient groups, hostels, or health advocates. The EANCDA is currently working to strengthen the institutional capacity of NCD Alliances and regional NCD collaboration. At the same time, it is working to support governments, regional institutions like the East African Community and WHO Africa Region, and other NCD civil societies to increase regional response to NCDs.