Fundación para la Conservación del Bosque Chiquitano - FCBC


Avenida Ibérica, calle 6 oeste # 95

10260 Santa Cruz de la Sierra



Verdens Skove

The Foundation for the Conservation of the Chiquitano Forest (FCBC) is a private non-profit organization with management autonomy; it develops its activities in the Department of Santa Cruz, particularly in the Chiquitano Forest, the Cerrado and the Chaco, supporting and promoting conservation and sustainable development through technical advice, capacity building, fundraising and co-management of funds for the implementation of more than 500 projects, in partnership with several external funders, such as the European Union, Wagner Foundation, Fundación Puma, SCP-GIZ, Rotary Club, AVINA and others; working with diverse groups of local actors and beneficiaries, between departmental and municipal authorities, peasant and indigenous communities, communal enterprises, rural producers, etc. The work experience covers issues of biodiversity conservation, local economic development, community enterprises, territorial planning, provision of safe water in rural communities, timber and non-timber forest products, design and implementation of standards for sustainable development, training, environmental education, monitoring, research and dissemination.