Centro REDES (Centro de Estudios sobre Ciencia, Desarrollo y Educación Superior)


Avda. Pueyrredón 538, 2° piso “C” – 2° Cuerpo

C1032ABS Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires

54-11-4963-7878 centroredes@centroredes.org.ar http://www.centroredes.org.ar/


Dansk International Bosætningsservice (DIB)

Centro Redes (Centro de Estudios sobre Ciencia, Desarrollo y Educación Superior) is an institution dedicated to interdisciplinary research, teaching and technical services, which aims to address problems related to science, technology, innovation, development strategies and higher education in Argentina and Latin America. The Center depends on the Civil Association "GRUPO REDES", a non-profit entity founded in 1996. The purpose of "GRUPO REDES" is to act in the field of the social studies of science and technology by carrying out research and educational programs, formulating proposals on topics of social, economic and political relevance that concern the production and administration of science, technology and innovation. The human resources that form part of this structure include researchers, teachers and national specialists from Latin America and Europe. In 2003, after a process of institutional evaluation, the National Council of Scientific and Technical Research (CONICET) of the Republic of Argentina granted it the status of Associated Unit. The Center has become an institution of active participation in academic networks, scientific exchange and technical cooperation of varied international scope: • the Ibero-American Network of Science and Technology Indicators (RICYT); • the Ibero-American Network of Science, Technology and Gender (2015-2018); • the network of researchers in Science, Technology and Social Development (2008-2012); • the Ibero-American Network of Higher Education Indicators -Red IndicES Special interest is the leading role of the Center in supporting and strengthening RICYT. The purpose of the network is to promote the development of instruments for measuring and analyzing scientific and technological activities, as well as to promote international cooperation on such activities. RICYT involves national science and technology institutions from countries throughout the Americas and the Iberian Peninsula.