Strengthening citizens' influence on WASH in the newly developed governance system in Mosamba and Taita Taveta counties in Kenya

Project period:

01.12.2014 - 28.02.2018

Granted amount:

2,992,158,- DKK


Dansk Folkehjælp - DFH


Maji na Ufanisi (Water & Development) (MnU)



Grant type:

Projekt D (1 - 3 mio)

Efforts take place in:


Overall targets

To contribute to an improved quality of life of the disadvantaged in Mombasa and Taita Taveta counties by improved WASH services.

Immediate targets

1. Rights holders in the two counties empowered to actively participate in and influence county WASH planning processes by end of 2017 including relevant WASH county bills. 2. Rights holders in two counties empowered to demand accountability in the county’s delivery of WASH services by the end of 2017. 3. Duty bearers have an improved understanding of their roles and responsibilities within the devolved governance system with regards to inclusive planning and delivery of WASH services.

Target groups

The project aims to work with two community committees from the two counties through networking organisations. In Mombasa County the committee will comprise of 6 members who will represent the 6 sub-counties located in Mombasa. They include: Jomvu, Mvita, Changamwe, Kisauni, Nyali and Likoni sub-counties. In Taita Taveta County the committee will comprise of 4 members who represent the 4 sub-counties in Taita Taveta namely; Mwatate, Voi, Taita and Taveta. MnU will ensure that gender balance is adhered to in the composition of the two committees and the 360 targeted rights holders in the two counties. The project will also target 2 primary schools in the two counties, which will reach an expected number of 600 children. With respect to duty bearers, the project will target county executives, members of county assemblies and water services boards in the two counties. The project plans to reach a minimum of 156 duty bearers in the two counties.


‘Strengthening citizens’ influence on WASH in the newly devolved governance system in Mombasa and Taita Taveta counties in Kenya’. Det planlagte projekt løber over 3 år med et samlet budget på 2.992.158 DKK. Formålet med projektet er at styrke lokalbefolkningen / civilsamfundsorganisationer (rights holders) og (i mindre grad) lokale beslutningstagere (duty bearers) i amterne Mombasa og Taita Taveta i Kenya, således at de kan advokere for og sikre bedre vand- og sanitetsforhold. Projektet søger at styrke rights holders og duty bearers i den decentraliseringsproces, som inden for de sidste par år har flyttet meget væsentlige WASH opgaver og ansvar til amterne (counties). Omdrejningspunktet i projektet er således kapacitetsopbygning, fortalervirksomhed og god regeringsførelse indenfor WASH-sektoren målrettet civilsamfundet og i mindre grad lokale beslutningstagere.