Strengthening foundations for improved livelihoods of rice farmers in Central Java, Indonesia

Project period:

12.09.2022 - 28.02.2023

Granted amount:

498,180,- DKK

Total budget:

498,180,- DKK


Preferred by Nature (NEPCon)


Rikolto in Indonesia



Grant type:


World goals:

Goal 1: No Poverty

Goal 12: Responsible Consumption and Production

Goal 13: Climate Action

Efforts take place in:



As opposed to sustainable rice production (SRP), conventional rice production uses copious amounts of freshwater, chemical pesticides and fertilizers, which render rice production unprofitable for smallholder farmers, while emitting high levels of GHGs. The project builds on an initial phase establishing the interest and barriers for adoption of SRP by smallholders and local government, while the present aims to build on this and put in place the soft and pedagogical infrastructure for rolling out SRP across the three target districts in Central Java. The target beneficiaries continue to be smallholder rice farmers, but increasingly seeks to involve women and youth by tailored design of activities, e.g. mapping of gender patterns in detail with respect to rice cultivation, harvest and agribusiness opportunities and all-female farmer field schools. The intervention also targets government extension officers as agents of multiplication, allowing SRP to reach even more Indonesian farmers.