Legal Assistance to Contract Farming

Project period:

01.07.2015 - 31.07.2018

Granted amount:

4,999,486,- DKK




Vietnam Lawyers Association



Grant type:

Projekt E (3 - 5 mio)

Efforts take place in:


Overall targets

Rights and benefits for farmers have been improved through strengthening legal capacities of the stakeholders involved in contract farming within ethnic minority areas in Northern Vietnam.

Immediate targets

1. Poor ethnic minority farmers in selected districts of Lao Cai, Lai Chau and Son La provinces will have support from competent authorities in contract farming negotiations and disputes with agro-industrial companies 2. Models/examples of fair and equitable contracts for different types of commodity will have been developed between Farmer Groups and Agro-Industrial Companies in which both parties understand their responsibilities and gain mutual benefit 3. The potentials of the Vietnam Lawyers Association and its Legal Consulting Centers as trusted intermediaries will have been recognized by agro-industrial companies and provincial and national policy makers.

Target groups

The primary target group of the project is poor and disadvantaged farmers, mainly, but not exclusively, among ethnic minorities, who are involved in contract farming with local agro-industrial companies. The project focuses on farmer groups from previous projects' Farmer Groups in nine districts, three of which are classified among the poorest districts of Vietnam. The secondary target group comprises three different groups of stakeholders: the representatives of the agro-industrial companies involved in contract farming; representatives of Farmers’ Organizations (CBOs) and village leaders which support the primary target group and members of local government bodies / deconentrated adminsitrative units at provincial, district and commune level. It is anticipated that each of these agro-industrial enterprises may involve 3-4 farmers groups, making a maximum of 480 Farmers Groups to be targeted by the project. Each group may consist of 20 households, so that the primary target group of contract farming households will number approximately 9,600.


Projektets formål er at opnå forbedrede kontrakter for fattige bønder, der arbejder indenfor kontraktlandbrug. Alle interessenter, der er involveret i kontraktlandbrug, skal styrkes i deres kundskab vedrørende juridiske aspekter indenfor kontraktlandbrug. Målgruppen er etniske minoriteter i det nordlige Vietnam og. Ultimo 2017 vil fattige bønder i udvalgte distrikter have adgang til juridisk rådgivninger ved udarbejdelse i forbindelse med kontraktlandbrug. Der skal ligeledes være afgang til myndigheder, der forvalter uenigheder og konflikter mellem bønderne og de agroindustrielle virksomheder. Bønder og virksomheder skal indgå fair aftaler, og sidstnævnte skal have øget forståelse for virksomheders samfundsansvar (CSR) og vigtigheden af retfærdige kontrakter.