HIV Prevention, Resilience & Well-being among Key Populations in Malawi & Uganda

Project period:

01.01.2022 - 31.12.2025

Granted amount:

17,460,000,- DKK

Total budget:

18,636,690,- DKK




Action Hope Malawi (AHM) Centre for the Development of People (CEDEP)



Grant type:

PROGRAM (Endelig ansøgning)

World goals:

Goal 3: Good Health and Well-being

Goal 5: Gender Equality

Goal 10: Reduced Inequalities

Goal 16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

Goal 17: Partnerships for the Goals

Efforts take place in:

Malawi Uganda


The overall aim of the programme 2022-25 is to reduce HIV incidence and increase well-being and resilience among Key Populations, primarily sex workers, men who have sex with men and transgender persons in Malawi and Uganda. The overall aim is justified by the fact that East and Southern Africa is the region most affected by HIV in the world, with HIV prevalence rates among Key Populations being much higher than the general population due to interrelated structural factors. Through an intersectional human rights-based approach to HIV prevention, which combines health promotion, capacity building and advocacy initiatives targeting right holders and duty bearers, the programme addresses these interlinked structural factors of stigma, marginalisation, criminalisation, inequality, deprivation of rights and Key Populations' vulnerability to HIV, which fuel the HIV-epidemic and hamper the possibility of reaching the SDG 3.3 of ending AIDS before 2030.