Empowering change agents to improve access to NCD service delivery in Kamuli district, Uganda

Project period:

01.02.2021 - 31.03.2022

Granted amount:

499,559,- DKK

Total budget:

4,999,559,- DKK


Hope Danmark





Grant type:


World goals:

Goal 3: Good Health and Well-being

Goal 16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

Goal 17: Partnerships for the Goals

Efforts take place in:


Overall targets

Promote access to NCD health services in Kamuli district, Uganda, by December 2021

Immediate targets

1. To ensure an attitude change in communities about NCDs and Covid-19 2. To ensure a sustainable organizational structure involving KANENGO and the 35 NAs 3. To ensure that the NCD priorities of the NAs in Kamuli are heard and recognised at National level

Target groups

Primary target groups: 35 (1750 members) Neighbourhood Assemblies. 15 (one from each Sub-county and 2 in office) change agents. 135 Village health workeers. 15 National Parliamentary NCD committee members. Secondary target groups: Citizens 20+ in 15 Sub-counties (approx 201130), 75 duty bearers at sub-county level. 10 duty bearers at district level. 1 speaker of parliament. 3 Parliamentary candidates from Kamuli. 10 elected candidates from Busoga region.


Der er blandt borgere og lokale ledere i Kamuli-distriktet i Uganda fortsat udbredt mangel på viden om ikke-smitsomme sygdomme (NCDs) og Covid-19, og en stor mangel på udstyr og medicin til behandling af sygdommene. Hope Danmarks ugandiske partner, KANENGO, har etableret lokalråd (Neighbourhood Assemblies) og frivillige sundhedsarbejdere herfra er blevet trænet i kommunikation vedrørende NCDs og Covid-19. Projektet vil anvende de mest effektive kommunikationskanaler, og styrke KANENGOs forandringsagenter, som i hver af Kamuli-distriktets kommuner støtter lokalrådene og sundhedsarbejderne. Disse forandringsagenter vil modtage uddannelse i mobilisering, VSLA, planlægning, klimaforhold og fortalervirksomhed, mm. KANENGO vil tilrette deres effektive forandringsmodel til, i samarbejde med nationale organisationer, at lægge maksimalt pres på nationale sundhedsmyndigheder for at øge NCD budgettet. KANENGO kan især bidrage med lokale erfaringer og data i fortalervirksomhed på nationalt plan.