”Integrated Ecological Farming Practices for Smallholder Farmers-Towards Food Security and Increased Household Incomes for 4 Rural Communities in the Eastern Region of Ghana”.

Project period:

01.09.2018 - 01.11.2019

Granted amount:

465,714,- DKK


Heritage International





Grant type:


World goals:

Goal 1: No Poverty

Goal 2: Zero Hunger

Goal 3: Good Health and Well-being

Goal 5: Gender Equality

Goal 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth

Goal 10: Reduced Inequalities

Goal 12: Responsible Consumption and Production

Efforts take place in:


Overall targets

Strengthen and consolidate farmers’ organisations especially our partners Best Agro in the selected villages To increase ecological agricultural farm management and production of Bee Keeping for honey production, Snail production and Mushroom production in 4 villages over the intervention period.

Immediate targets

The major aim of the intervention is to Improve Food Security and adequate income generation among small hold farmers in the Kwahu West Municipality of the Eastern Region of Ghana by promoting and strengthening civil society and introducing innovative and integrated ecological farming practices through building the technical capacities among members within preselected essential disciplines.The goals set by the end of the intervention will be that at least 50% of all members within the four village communities of those farmers targeted for the project would have achieved the necessary agricultural practices to promote food security and increased income through the strengthening of Best Agro members.

Target groups

The primary target group of the project is 800 subsistence farming households in Onokwa, Jamasi No. 2, Damisikrom and Amanfrom in the Kwahu West Municipality of the Eastern Region of Ghana. The gender composition is made up of 521 females and 279 males. Women today are the ones that have the majority of the workload in the family and are therefore form the majority of the primary target group. The secondary target group is the 32 outstanding and very skilled farmers selected from within the BAGs by its members. They are trained to be BAGs’ village facilitators, with each responsible for 25 members in the BAGs.


Projektet vil i partnerskab mellem Heritage International i Denmark (HI) og Best Agro, Ghana styrke fødevaresikkerheden i 4 landsbyerne I Kwahu west district i Ghana. Det sker gennem en styrkelse af civilsamfundet omkring smålandbrugene og fokus på deres synlighed og omtale i det ghanesiske samfund. Projektet vil omfatte mindst 800 familier og familiebrug - og i alt berøre mere end 3000 personer. Et år efter projektets afslutning forventes, at 70 - 80 % af de deltagende familier har opnået forbedret fødevaresikkerhed samt adopteret integreret økologisk praksis på deres jord. Der uddannes 32 facilitatorer til at støtte 32 (BAGs) bestående af ca. 25 medlemmer i et hver. Best Agro vil få opbygget et kapacitet til at organisere de lokale landbrug og koordinere gruppernes arbejde og udvikling fremover, med fokus på den økologiske sector, mushroom, snail og bee production til honey. Der sker udvikling, træning, rådgivning og strategilægning i økologisk landbrug i samarbejde med experter fra (HI) og det Best Agro I samarbejde med MOFA.