Strengthening HIV Prevention and Care among Key Population (Phase II)

Project period:

29.08.2017 - 31.07.2020

Granted amount:

3,500,000,- DKK




Lutheran Church in Liberia (LCL)



Grant type:


Efforts take place in:


Overall targets

To contribute to the national response of HIV and AIDS which seeks to promote positive change of behavior and reduce the psychosocial impact of HIV and AIDS on the individual and society.

Immediate targets

Objective 1: 14 CBOs have had their capacity developed and continue community engagement resulting in reduced risk of HIV infections among population subgroups at high risk (female adolescent, prison inmates, female sex workers, cross border traders, security personnel, motorcyclists and drivers) in 7 counties by December 2019. Objective 2: Through awareness raising and advocacy sexual gender based violence including harmful traditional practices have been addressed in Margibi, Bong, Lofa, Bomi and Grand Cape Mount counties by July 2019. Objective 3: By the end of 2019 the organization for PLHIV has been developed resulting in improved quality of life of people infected with HIV, orphans and vulnerable children and their families in 7 counties.

Target groups

The Project will be implemented in seven of the 15 political sub divisions of Liberia namely; Montserrado, Grand Bassa, Margibi, Bong, Lofa, Grand Cape Mount and Bomi counties. According to the 2013 LDHS report, three of the targeted counties situated in South Central region of Liberia namely; Montserrado, Margibi and Bomi have the highest HIV prevalence rate of 2.75% compare to the counties in the remaining four regions. Primary target group: Key Population 10,000 Students (60% females, 40% males), 5,000 Out of school youths (60% females, 40% males), 50 Adolescent girls including female sex workers, 3,000 Prison inmates (20% females & 80% males), 60 Cross border and internal traders (85%females, males 15%), 60 Security personnel (30% female, 70% male), 100 Drivers and motorcyclists (95% males, 5% females), 350 Orphans (50% females, 50% males) and 1,000 People Living with HIV (75% females, 25% males). Secondary target group: 14 Community Based Organizations, 1 PLHIV association 100 Peer Educators (60% females, 40% males), 14 Volunteers, 60 Religious Leaders (65% males, 35% females), 70 Traditional Leaders, and Healers (70% males, 30% females) and 30 Women.


Den Lutherske Kirke i Liberia (LCL) har gennem 12 år arbejdet med hiv og aids-forebyggelse i Liberia og har bl.a. udviklet en model for rådgivning og testning, som er blevet antaget som regeringens politik på området. Ca. 40 lokale støttegrupper er blevet etableret i lokalsamfundene, og de 15 stærkeste af disse er de sidste par år blevet kapacitetsopbygget og registreret som Community Based Organisation (CBO). 12 selvhjælpsgrupper for hiv-smittede (PLHIVs) er blevet etableret, som efterfølgende har organiseret sig i en forening, der bl.a. har været involveret i formulering af en ny national lov omkring borgeres rettigheder i forbindelse med hiv. Projektet vil gennem PLHIV-foreningen søge at skabe vedvarende forandringer ved at gøre denne nye lov kendt og implementeret, og vil følge op med at dokumentere tilfælde af diskriminering af hiv-smittede samt voldtægtssager for at benytte disse i fortalerarbejdet. LCL’s Aids-program vil i denne afsluttende fase videreudvikle CBOerne inklusiv foreningen for hiv-smittede og konsolidere resultaterne for dermed at udfase LCL’s rolle og lade CBOerne stå på egne ben.