The SDGs in reality – Uganda, domesticating these so “no youth” is left behind

Project period:

01.02.2019 - 30.09.2020

Granted amount:

487,342,- DKK


Crossing Borders


Open Space Centre



Grant type:


World goals:

Goal 1: No Poverty

Goal 2: Zero Hunger

Goal 3: Good Health and Well-being

Goal 4: Quality Education

Goal 5: Gender Equality

Goal 6: Clean Water and Sanitation

Goal 7: Affordable and Clean Energy

Goal 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth

Goal 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure

Goal 10: Reduced Inequalities

Goal 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities

Goal 12: Responsible Consumption and Production

Goal 13: Climate Action

Goal 14: Life below Water

Goal 15: Life on Land

Goal 16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

Goal 17: Partnerships for the Goals

Efforts take place in:


Overall targets

This project seeks to expand and bring on board youth leaders in schools and local communities; and through a comprehensive mentorship program not only increase their knowledge base and engagement on SDGs, but also inspire youth urgency, action and initiative to popularise the goals among their constituencies and contribute to ongoing implementation and monitoring processes for the goals at global, national and local levels.

Immediate targets

1. To increase engagement of local youth leaders in schools and local communities to own and promote the SDGs agenda through delivering a comprehensive mentorship program. 2. Increasing dialogue and collaboration among local young leaders and stakeholders involved in the implementation and monitoring of SDGs. 3. Raising awareness about the national road map for implementation of SDGs and other existing national SDG frameworks among youth in the targeted schools and local communities.

Target groups

Our project has two levels of target groups. The primary and secondary target groups. The primary target group will comprise of: - 30 youth mentors who will run over 78 trainings in the 10 schools and 3 local communities - 260 mentees who are young people from 10 high schools (20 per school), and 3 local communities (20 per community) intentionally distributed to about 50/50% between males and females between the ages of 15 – 23. - 30 high school teachers (2 from each school) and student club patrons (Trainers of Trainers – ToTs), who are keen to share and participate in the proposed activities as trainers, facilitators. - 30 youth councillors from the 3 target local communities. - 15 Teachers Clubs in the 10 schools – comprising of at least 15 teachers each - 15 student debate clubs in 10 schools, comprising an average of 30 students each - 30 youth organisations who are members of the Youth Panel on SDGs - An added 260 students and 20 teachers who will attend the mentor - mentee action days from the target schools and local communities - An added 100 students and 20 teachers from schools that will attend the Schools public conference/symposium on SDGs and debate in Uganda & beyond. - The project will make deliberate efforts to pay high attention to equal participation between gender. - Student leaders with a proven track record, and willingness to participate and volunteer in project activities will be selected for key activities of the project, including trainings. The second target group of the project will involve: - At least 1000 young people across the 10 schools and 3 local communities, where the estimation is that we will reach at least half the number of students in these schools - We want to reach at least 100 teachers across the 10 schools, imagining that each school has at least 20 teachers. - Our project will reach at least 600 people from the near public, where we estimate that each of the 260 involved students and local youth leaders comes from a family/network of at least 2 people that are out of school. - We want to reach at least 1,000,000 people through our compiled video documentary on “Youth, SDGs and Mentorship”, that will be shown widely by both CB and open space to their audiences.


Vores projekt handler om at mobilisere, kapacitetsopbyg og øge bevidstheden om FNs verdensmål (SDGs) blandt marginaliserede unge i 15 højskoler og 30 ungdommens organisationer hvor noget af dem er sjældent nået i det centrale og østlige Uganda. Gennem kurser, engagement, debat og stemme til de unge, ved at bruge SDG'erne som en platform, vi ønsker at øge deres kendskab om de tværgående temaer i SDG'erne, og hvorfor det er vigtigt, at de bliver involveret i planlægning og monitorering af SDG'erne. Og gennem træning i debat og retorik, mentoring, kapacitetsopbygning vil de udvikle deres debattere, offentlige retoriske og planlægnings evner omkring SDG'erne og andre samfundsaspekter. Projektet bliver gennemført i det centrale og østlige Uganda.