Promoting Implementation of the Paris Agreement in East Africa with a focus on pro-poor low emission development (PIPA)

Project period:

01.01.2017 - 30.06.2018

Granted amount:

3,486,215,- DKK




SUSTAINABLE ENVIRONMENTAL DEVELOPMENT WATCH (SUSWATCH KENYA) Tanzania Traditional Energy development Organisation (TaTEDO) Uganda Coalition for Sustainable Development


Puljen for Klima og Miljø

Grant type:

Længerevarende indsats (PKM)

Efforts take place in:

Kenya Tanzania Uganda

Overall targets

Contribute to strengthen the pro-poor focus and climate change ambitions in the implementation of the Paris Agreement in East Africa.

Immediate targets

LEDSs and NDCs in Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania are incorporating civil society viewpoints and recommendations.

Target groups

The primary target group and participants in this project are the CSOs working with climate change, the NDC and LEDS development process and financing in East Africa. The project will work with networks as well as individual CSOs directly in Tanzania, Kenya, and Uganda. The primary target group is selected based on its power to influence the implementation of the policies and involving the needs of poor and marginalized communities. In all 3 countries, poor communities are affected by the consequences of climate change. Thus in the long run, the implementation of ambitious NDCs and LEDSs integrating a strong focus on poverty reduction is expected to benefit poor communities which is estimated to 81,7 million people in total for the 3 countries. The secondary target group is national, regional, and international decision-makers as well as relevant private sector actors. The secondary targets are the duty bearers whose decisions determine the course of development and allocate funds.


Projektets formål er at fremme implementeringen af Paris Aftalen i Østafrika med fokus på at øge klimaambitionerne og integrere fattigdomsbekæmpelse. Projektets mål er at øge civilsamfundets indflydelse i justeringsprocessen af Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC) og langsigtede lavemissions udviklingsstrategier (LEDS) i Kenya, Uganda og Tanzania. Projektet fokuserer på 1) kapacitetsopbygning ved at styrke CSO’ers viden og kapacitet indenfor NDC og LEDS processerne herunder fattigdomsbekæmpelse og muligheder for international finansiering; 2) styrkelse af netværk og koordinering af nationale og regionale koalitioner gennem erfaringsudveksling og samarbejde om at udvikle og 3) gennemføre koordineret fortalervirksomhed rettet mod nationale, regionale og internationale institutioner og beslutningstagere for mere ambitiøse og fattigdomsorienterede NDC’erne/LEDS’ere og for øget international finansiering til implementering af NDC’erne og LEDS’erne.