Lwamaggwa Agribusiness Network Project (LAP 3)

Project period:

01.07.2014 - 31.12.2018

Granted amount:

1,983,744,- DKK


Verdens Børn - International Børnehjælp


Juveniles Welfare Services



Grant type:

Projekt D (1 - 3 mio)

Efforts take place in:


Overall targets

The long term development objective is to secure a sustainable improvement of livelihoods among subsistence farmers in Lwamaggwa Sub-county. The project will contribute to this by empowering the farmers and their organization. Thus, the immediate objective is the strengthening and capacity building in the organizational structures of Lwamaggwa Agribusiness Network (LAN), which will strengthen the civil society and hereby secure a more sustainable development and advocacy process in Lwamaggwa Sub-county

Immediate targets

The overall strategy of LAP3 is to strengthen Lwamaggwa Agribusiness Network (LAN) to sustain a development interventions in Lwamaggwa Sub-county: 1. To build the capacity of LAN and its sub-components 2. To train various levels of LAN to conduct training of farmers in the disciplines previously performed by the LAP project 3. And to gradually hand over LAP knowledge, services and inputs to LAN

Target groups

The primary target group is the subsistence farmers in Lwamaggwa Sub-county and their CBO, LAN. With the average household size in the area being 6 members, it implies that the 3026 participating households have 18,156 individuals who will benefit directly from the project’s interventions.


Lwamaggwa Agribusiness Network Project (LAP 3) har til formål at styrke og langtidssikre eksistensgrundlaget for småbønderne i Lwamaggwa (Uganda) gennem styrkelse og kapacitetsopbygning af deres egen landboforening, Lwamaggwa Agribusiness Network (LAN). Ved afslutningen af projektet er måle,t at den lokale organisation kan stå på egne ben og videreføre arbejdet med de lokale bønder på egen hånd. Målgruppen udgøres af subsistenslandmændene i Lwamaggwa distrktet og medlemmerne af LAN. Hovedaktiviteterne og risiciene er tæt forbundet, idet aktiviteterne er fokuseret på at LAN, og bønderne skal blive selvforsynende igennem krævende aktiviteter som: Udarbejdelse af finansieringsplan, udarbejdelse af plan for at blive selvforsynende, oplæring ift. landbrug og organisationsforståelsen mm.