Community-led advocacy towards child safeguarding

Project period:

01.07.2020 - 15.12.2024

Granted amount:

1,953,871,- DKK







Grant type:


World goals:

Goal 16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

Goal 17: Partnerships for the Goals

Efforts take place in:

Sri Lanka

Overall targets

Rural communities speak up against violations of UN convention on child rights and initiate change through community-led advocacy.

Immediate targets

1. Leads has gained capacity to initiate effective community-led advocacy addressing child rights violations and issues related to child safeguarding 2. Community members in 12 communities actively participate in identifying child rights violations and are equipped to advocate for issues related to child safeguarding 3. Community members and Leads advocate on local and national level addressing child rights violations in 12 communities

Target groups

The primary target group is the 2082 children of the 12 target communities in Trincomalee and Hambantota, who will have their rights identified and advocated for The secondary target group is the wider civil society dealing with the safeguarding of children


I Sri Lanka er mange basale behov ikke er opfyldt og børn er ikke tilstrækkeligt beskyttet. Selvom FNs børnekonvention blev ratificeret i 1991, er antallet af overtrædelser af børns rettigheder alarmerende højt. På grund af fattigdom, omsorgssvigt og uvidenhed er børn i fattige landsbyer særligt sårbare overfor overgreb. For at forbedre situationen for sådanne børn, vil Assist og Leads kapacitetsopbygge indbyggerne i 12 landsbyer til at identificere overtrædelser af børns rettigheder, og at kunne advokere for beskyttelse af børn ved hjælp af en systematisk tilgang til ’Community-led Advocacy’. Dette skal ske gennem tre trin: 1) Leads kapacitetsopbygges så de kan facilitere community-led advocacy, 2) Voksne og børn i landsbyerne gøres i stand til at identificere brud på børns rettigheder, og at handle på det. Indsatsen leder hen imod 3) at indbyggerne tager initiativ til at advokere for problemstillinger overfor deres lokale myndigheder, mens Leads advokerer på nationalt niveau. Erfaringer deles med civilsamfundet i Sri Lanka og Danmark.