High Schools SDGs Model - Sierra Leone

Project period:

14.08.2018 - 14.08.2019

Granted amount:

480,450,- DKK


Crossing Borders


Africa Youth for Peace and Development



Grant type:


World goals:

Goal 1: No Poverty

Goal 2: Zero Hunger

Goal 3: Good Health and Well-being

Goal 4: Quality Education

Goal 5: Gender Equality

Goal 6: Clean Water and Sanitation

Goal 7: Affordable and Clean Energy

Goal 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth

Goal 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure

Goal 10: Reduced Inequalities

Goal 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities

Goal 12: Responsible Consumption and Production

Goal 13: Climate Action

Goal 14: Life below Water

Goal 15: Life on Land

Goal 16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

Goal 17: Partnerships for the Goals

Efforts take place in:

Sierra Leone

Overall targets

This project seeks to mobilize and enable young people from Senior High Schools in Sierra Leone to debate and implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) agenda in their schools and communities.

Immediate targets

1. Raising awareness among Senior High School students about the SDGs and how they can contribute to their achievement toward the improvement of the situation of young people in Sierra Leone. 2. Mobilizing students, teachers, and schools to employ a hands-on approach for the inclusion of the SDGs in their curriculum and extra/curricula activities. 3. Capitalize and maximize on the existing skills of the students, teachers and the communities to engage and contribute to the fulfillment of the SDGs for their own good.

Target groups

The project has three target groups: primary, secondary and third target groups. The primary target group comprises: - 1700 high school students from 17 schools, equally distributed between male and females, aged 15-18. Thus, making sure that 50 % girls and 50% boys are represented and the reason for this equal distribution is because girls have been neglected is such platform in the past and this will also highlight the SDG 5 (Gender Equality) In this intervention the gender play a central role in achieving the SDG agenda, - 100 high school students per school divided into five committees of 20 students each. - 85 high school teachers acting as MUN SDGS coaches will be equally (50% female teachers and 50% male teachers) divided into 5 per school, who will take part in training in SDGs and the MUN debate method. And the intervention will ensure that some of your role models or mentors are women. There’s a lot you can learn from women in positions of authority - The choice of the 17 schools from the 12 districts in Sierra Leone has be done strategically considering the economic and social background. We choose the 17 schools to be government schools knowing the private school are more exposed to SDGs in their school curriculum. The participating schools are also chosen from rural and urban part of Sierra Leone representing all the 12 district which the country has. Though there are more than these 17 schools in Sierra Leone, we have chosen these to start with in this intervention. The secondary target group is made up of: - 136 students who will be part of the organization and planning team (2), press (2), photo and video (2) and interview team (2), making it 8 per school. Third target group will be comprising: - As the project targets 17 schools in all the 12 districts of Sierra Leone, at least 500,000 people are expected to be reached by the project. - The video and journalistic pieces that will be gathered at the conference will also be broadcasted in different channels in order to reach a wider audience, spark curiosity and create awareness. - Showing the videos through AYPAD, YFDD and CB YouTube channels will enable the project to reach out to more people in Sierra Leone and beyond.


Dette projekt handler om at kreativt engagere gymnasier elever om 17 FN verdensmålene i Sierra Leon. De unges bevidsthed bliver mobiliseret via debat, mentorskab og skolernes kapacitetsopbygning. Projektet vil skabe et tværfagligt samarbejde på tværs 17 lokale skoler. Projektet vil omfatte over 1000 unge, 255 lærere og mentorer, samt nå ud til de lokale samfund, som skolerne er tilknyttet til. Projektet er motiveret af at skabe åben dialog om det globale engagementet i FN Global Agenda 2030. Dette skal ses i lyset af engagementet i verdensmålene er varieret. På trods af at verden fejrer og stræber efter at samle alle lande bag de 17 verdensmål under sloganet “No one left behind”, oplever unge i Sierra Leon stadig begrænset inddragelse i denne proces, endsige tilstrækkelige oplysninger, færdigheder og værktøjer til at optimalt engagere sig og sprede værdien af målene. Vores projekt er et pilotprojekt til netop adressere de unges muligheder for at engagere sig i de 2030 verdensmålene.