Building organizational capacity to facilitate organic farming through FFLG among smallholder farmers in the Muzabarani-districit in Zimbabwe

Project period:

01.04.2018 - 31.12.2019

Granted amount:

395,296,- DKK


Økologisk Landsforening





Grant type:


World goals:

Goal 2: Zero Hunger

Goal 5: Gender Equality

Goal 12: Responsible Consumption and Production

Goal 13: Climate Action

Efforts take place in:


Overall targets

The overall aim of the project is to develop capacity and to strengthen collaborative organizational abilities related to advocacy for sustainable agriculture, and to promote healthier communities and cleaner environments through the elimination of agro-chemicals and inorganic fertilizers from farming systems. Through the training concept known as Farmer Family Learning Groups (FFLGs), farmer communities and associations will be built and strengthened, and farming households will be empowered socially and economically. The implementation of the FFLG approach aims to establish food security, sustainable agriculture and rural development in the target area.

Immediate targets

1) To develop FACHIG’s organizational capacity to collaborate more closely with member organizations to support participant-oriented development among organic farmers and processors through FFLGs. 2) To improve the farmers’ agricultural practices and their advocacy activities by involving the farmer families in agro-ecological training and thereby expand their knowledge and craftmanship in organic farming etc.

Target groups

FACHIG-employees/members (4-5 people), the appointed facilitators (15-20 people) from 10 FFLGs, and 200 smallholder farmer families in the target district consisting of totally 10 groups (FFLGs) varying in member size. In each of the 10 FFLG an average of 20 farmer families are organized.


Projektet har til formål at etablere og implementere Farmer Family Learning Group (FFLG)-tilgangen til bæredygtige landbrugs- og lokalsamfundsudvikling i Muzabarani-distriktet i Zimbabwe. Projektet foregår i partnerskab mellem Økologisk Landsforening (OD) og Farmers Association of Community Self-Help Investment Groups (FACHIG). Projektet trækker på erfaringer fra tidligere FFLG-projekter. Ved projektets afslutning vil der være mindst 10 uddannede FFLG-facilitatorer, samt 10 FFLG-grupper bestående af småbønder med kapacitet til at medudvikle økologisk landbrug for bedre fødevaresikkerhed, samt målrettet kontekst-relevant fortalervirksomhed. Anvendelsen af denne tilgang vil bidrage til styrkelsen af kapaciteten som fortalervirksomhed på FFLG og organisationsniveau.